Happiness, Escape, and Wonder
Remember Casey Kasem? Radio host Casey Kasem would count down the top 30 songs in America on radio stations all over the nation. And he would add in music and artist history, anecdotes, and “long distance dedications”. I thought of the late Kasem this morning when I got a “long distance” question from a fellow magician in Orlando, Florida.
“N Jay” wrote in a text message this morning, “In all the years that you have performed for kids, what is the one message you hope that they got?”
Thanks, N Jay! In my various school assembly programs, I hope they get the messages of: How important it is to READ (From my Magic of Reading Program); To stop and think before acting when faced with a conflict (From my Conflict Resolution Program); How recycling can help our environment (From my Recycling Magic Program); and the fun and various uses of magic tricks (From my Beginner Magic Workshops).
But generally from watching (and participating in) a magic show, I hope they have a sense of happiness, escape, and wonder!
That’s my tidbit for today!
BJ Hickman Magic Shows, BJ@BJHickman.com, www.BJHickman.com, 603-969-9621

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